Monday, June 24, 2019


Study abroad is a journey in itself. A long winding path towards a successful career. As Robert Frost put it best, ‘I took the path less travelled by’, few students have the courage to attempt this voyage. The difficulties are blatantly apparent and certain. India is a country more focused on disciplined hard work than innovation and exploration. Being thrust into an environment that deviates from these tenets can make students sweat. They have to work extra hard to stay abreast with the rest of the class. The culture is India is conservative and steeply patriarchal. While abroad, as we move towards the west, freedom of expression increases in all aspects including sexuality and career. Familial bonds in India are very strong. A pervading sense of community and relation permeate every aspect of an Indian’s life. While, family ties are weaker abroad with more focus on self-dependence. Students start working at an early age and pay their own bills without any involvement of parents. This may come as a surprise to some.

Even after so many issues, why do millions of students endeavor to go abroad? What are the underlying motivating causes for this behavior? And why should you consider study abroad too. This article will outline all these questions.


Who doesn’t love to travel? Fly over those unknown lands, dive into the deep seas, conquer mountains, and just relax amidst green pastures? Instead of looking it as a change in lifestyle, one can look at study abroad as a chance to explore hidden horizons. Your host country will offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel across unseen landscapes and vistas. You can travel across world famous cities, explore traditional tourist spots and find your own secluded retreats.


Study abroad is like dipping yourself in a tub of unknown liquid. You will be surrounded by new people, new cultures, new traditions, new religions, and new languages. You might even feel intimidated by the sudden cultural shock. But if you have the courage to get rid of your cocoon and step out of your comfort zone, then this experience will enrich you with stories and lessons alike. The best part is that most of the popular study abroad destinations are also home to non-native cultures from every corner of the world. You can interact with Chinese, African, East-European, and American cultures right there in New York.


In India, we are exposed to a limited mindset and culture that places barriers on our world view. We are unable to digest the happenings around the world as we are completely blocked from their perspective. There is a reason businesses prefer students with international degrees. After all, someone who has experienced more of the world has the power to adjust. Such an employee is aware and possesses disarming empathy. He is an amazing team player who can lift morale and boost results. If you wish to become that person, choose study abroad over the more conventional option of remaining in India.

If you are convinced and want to learn more about your study abroad destinations, then contact the best study abroad consultants in your city for more information.

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