Sunday, May 26, 2019


Study abroad can be as scary as it is exciting. While students sit at their homes in anticipation, mulling over their plans for the future, they tend to overlook certain factors. These factors can be as small as how to buy groceries abroad or as crucial as the language of study in their host country. Inexperience and naivety compel a student to often underestimate the total impact of going abroad. It is not as simple as black and white. The faster the students understand this, the better it is for them. This article is not meant to scare students off but only give a true picture of how life can alter dramatically in a foreign land. It is always better to cautious in your approach, at least in the beginning.

These tips will come in handy to anyone who is going to leave this summer. But is always better to take expert guidance from study abroad consultants in Jaipur.

Many challenges await foreign students. Not all experiences will be good but each part will add to the wonderful story you will have to share with your peers back home. Here are 3 things that one must keep in mind before pursuing their higher education abroad.


It is foolish to count your total expenses on the lower end. Since degrees from western nations is an extravagant affair, we tend to try and cut costs from our daily expenses. This is not wrong and should be followed by everyone. But do not start underestimating the total cost while you are still at home. At least for the initial period, it is better to keep a pool of extra cash to dip into in times of need. Unless you’ve spent considerable time in your host country beforehand, you will never be able to estimate the exact costs that will be accrued. If you end up in a tough spot without any money to bail you out, you’ll be in deep waters. Simply put, always carry more cash with you than you have anticipated.


Many students have plans in place to pick up part time jobs in their host countries once they’re settled down. Settling down is a relative term and can be misconstrued. If you spend a lot of time stuck in your house, too tired or lazy to pursue a job, you will eventually end up with none. Part time jobs are rare – always less in number than the student applicants. Moreover, since you are a foreign student, barely acquainted with their ways and tongue, you will be at a disadvantage at every job. You need to move fast if you want to get a lucrative job. The faster you start applying the better.


Unless you’re going to an English native country like USA, UK, or Australia, expect some sort of resistance from the locals in terms of language. Most foreign countries offer PG courses in English but don’t let that fool you. You will still have to survive beyond the classes which won’t be easy. The teachers as well as students will have a tendency to resort to their native language once classes are over. You might feel left out of personal conversations. Don’t let this bog you down. Start by learning a few phrases in their tongue. Gradually, you will become more fluent, don’t worry.

To get more such tips, consult a study abroad consultant in Pune now.

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